Monday, 2 February 2015

Grab Your Content Marketing Lifeline!

Many entrepreneurs fail to understand the link between their own success and who they choose to help them meet their business objectives. There really aren’t many business people who can do everything well and manage all the work themselves. I believe it is important to gather people around you who have strengths you do not possess.
Consider the challenges of producing great content marketing. Some people churn that stuff out at warp speed, but the quality is weak. Not everyone realizes what they don’t know, however. Most of us went to school, and are literate, but few people can write exceptionally well or have a gift for being able to write with impact. Your content marketing needs to make a point clearly and concisely. No typos, or incomplete thoughts and no writing without actually making a definite point.
Ideally, your content should stem from a communications plan that reflects your communications objectives and key messages. If you aren’t clear on that, then you are simply throwing noodles up against the wall to see if they stick. Trust me when I tell you that most of those noodles won’t stick at all.
Professional communicators like me are the content marketer’s lifeline. We appear before you in many forms. Some have backgrounds in journalism and others, like me, have a sales and marketing background. Do yourself a favour and seek out a Public Relations / Communications Professional to help you with your marketing content. Doing it all yourself or paying amateurs to do it for you will hinder the growth of your business.
Here I am. I am throwing you a lifeline. Don't let yourself drown!
Renée Cormier is a Public Relations and Communications Specialist, published author, sales and marketing strategist and all round great gal! to contact.

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